forgotten mystery, strange mystery, good novel
good novel, High Dive, 2016 by Jonathan Lee, young UK writer. He writes about the bombing of the Grand Hotel in Brighton, when Thatcher and crew were at a conference in September 1984. Very interesting characters, very good book.
Spooky mystery, hard to figure out what is going on, but you know it is not good. Even the title is played with as a concept. I’m thinking of ending things, by Iain Reid, 2016. Is she ending an affair or is it suicide??
audiobook from library, a good mystery, but all is forgotten….title, author, plot. sad state of aging brain. Found it! Before the Fall by Noah Hawley, 2016. It was good.
Started reading Startle and Illuminate by Carol Shield’s grandson and daughter. Anne Giardini, 2016. Very interesting book
Family Life, a novel, 2014 by Akhil Sharma. It won an award and I don’t understand why. Not a bad book, but felt half finished and not that great.